Digital speed indicator sign: what is it?

The digital speed indicator sign is not intended to verbalize motorists when they have exceeded the maximum authorized speed. On the contrary, as the name suggests, it is preventive. In other words, it aims to inform road users of any possible speeding. Much more effective than a static traffic sign, a digital speed sign helps reduce the speed of drivers by 20 to 30%. Thus, investing in preventive equipment and speed measurement is impactful. Icoms Detections has designed the I-SAFE, the ideal and customizable speed indicator sign to educate motorists.
Where should you place an I-SAFE speed sign?
In general, speed signs are placed in so-called sensitive areas, such as the entrance to an urban area. Indeed, many motorists do not slow down and therefore do not respect the traffic rules. It is all the more important that they become aware of their speed. This is especially true if the street is a 30 km/h zone. A preventive speed radar is commonly placed at the entrance of an urban area. You can also opt for areas with high pedestrian traffic or near schools for example. Here too, it is very important to place an educational speed indicator sign, which is more effective than static signage.
How does the I-SAFE educational sign work?
In addition to warning road users by indicating the speed of the vehicle from a distance of 120 m onwards, the I-SAFE is also able to measure road traffic. Indeed, to be able to analyze road traffic, the I-SAFE comes a very user-friendly software. This makes it possible to analyze the road behavior of motorists. You will therefore be able to see the direct impact of the speed indicator sign. Once installed and connected to the power grid or to a solar panel, you no longer need to worry about it.
How to power the I-SAFE?
The I-SAFE is a speed indicator sign that can be powered in three different ways. Firstly, you can choose to power it directly with a rechargeable battery. All you have to do is mount the speed indicator sign using the clips on the back and turn it on. The second option is to connect to the grid or public lighting. If you decide to connect it to a street light, you can power it with the cables. All explanations are included in the installation kit provided when you receive the radar. Finally, you can also choose to connect it to a small solar panel. The latter is then supplied with a specific explanation kit for this type of installation.
Is a speed indicator sign really effective?
Since this type of radar has no repressive purpose, but only a preventive one, it could put its effectiveness into question. However, this is not the case. This is due to the fact that the dynamic display makes the driver aware of her high speed. For most drivers who are just over the speed limit, it is often a brief moment of inattention. Indeed, they do not constantly check the speedometer. A speed indicator sign will therefore inform them that they are currently speeding and they will immediately adapt their driving.
For motorists who are deliberately speeding, the radar is intended to make them aware of the danger they may represent for others. Indeed, beyond 10 km/h of excess, the radar will adapt its message. It may display the word “danger” or a “caution” sign. These indications may encourage them to reduce their speed.
Icoms Detections also manufactures other products for road traffic management such as traffic counters, bicycle counters and sensors for traffic light management, to name a few examples.